Within the framework of this year’s summer festivities, the minister of tourism in the caretaker government, Avedis Guidanian, held a press conference yesterday to launch the Qartaba (Byblos) Festival which will kick off on August 25. The festival, to note, is enlisted among rural tourism activities sponsored by the ministry with the aim to revive rural neighborhoods and villages that host such festivities. Qartaba, Guidanian stated, deserves to be on top of these festivals due to its illustrious nature and proximity, which is key to promote internal tourism and create opportunities for the Lebanese to learn about and identify with the different regions in their country. In turn, the mayor of Qartaba praised the uniqueness of this tourist month on the diverse environmental, natural, sportive, artistic and heritage levels, while the head of Qartaba Festivals Committee, Michel Darazi, disclosed that the event will include a heritage parade and sideline art activities. (Al Mustaqbal, Al Diyar, August 9, 2018)