Human rights activists have recently shared a draft bill on social media which calls for the ratification of optional civil marriage in Syria to be submitted to the People’s Assembly for deliberation, Al Diyar reported on Saturday. On the subject, sponsors of the above initiative said it is currently discussed and revised by jurists, maintaining that it is consistent with Syrian laws, and is optional, and therefore, not in conflict with the religious marriage laws in effect in the country. Al Diyar pointed out that the draft bill was circulated on social media to reach out to the people within a deadline which ended last Thursday. Around 63% of respondent views were in favor, which resonates a significant transformation within Syrian society. About 10 members of the People’s Assembly supported discussing the draft in the Legislature, besides a large group of Syrian journalists who backed the initiative. To recall, Syria has been witnessing civil protests calling for civil marriage, but were met with total rejection on the part of spiritual authorities. The latter to note, do not recognize civil marriage as valid and consider it as a form of adultery. (Al Diyar, June 9, 2018)