The National Observatory for Rural Women in Lebanon (NOWARA) launched a campaign entitled “stories from our village” as part of an initiative seeking to raise awareness of intermediary level students in public and private schools in Lebanon. This campaign will extend over a three year period and is in collaboration with the Ministry of Education. The Campaign is one of the components of the economic and social development project targeting rural communities in Lebanon and is implemented by NOAWARA and CTM Onlus, an Italian NGO in partnership[p with the Ministry of Agriculture and funded by the Italian government. Technical implementation has been commissioned to the Friends of Puppets troop.
NOWARA’s president, former Minister Wafa Dika noted, in her key note address during the launch, that the new book entitled “stories from our village” includes nine stories coving a wide range of themes that includes the roles of women and men in rural areas, in agriculture, economy, heritage, cooperatives, public and political work, elections, etc…
Source: Al-Nahar, Al-Mutaqbal 23 January 2013