The president of Bader group, MP Robert Fadel, and the President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Business Gathering for the Arab World Ms. Hala Fadel, organised an event to celebrate Bader’s 8th anniversary. Eight business entrepreneurs who were supported by the event organizers were honored for the occasion. These included; Ramzi Jalbout for his project (Krocs), Rana Shmaitelli (little engineer), Raja Mouawad (Ovis), hind hobaika (Instabeat), Youssef Fares (Olivertrade), Souad Merhbi (Gamabox), Elie Shaaba (Edulabe), Maya Nohra the winner of Bader’s scholarship, and Thouraya Oumwaka for her documentary “Tomorrow, we’ll see”.
In his keynote address, Fadel highlighted the importance of having a national vision for strengthening economic growth which ought to include support to small and medium enterprises through the provision of start-up and growth incentives especially in sectors which bear growth potentials. Fadel then shared the achievements of Bader during the past few years in the areas of financing, training, counseling as well as organizing workshops on the principles and tools for drafting workplans which have benefited 350 business entrepreneurs in 2012. In addition, Bader set up a clinic for small and medium enterprises for individual business entrepreneur so that they can benefit from free business advice from experts in many fields in addition to the provision of university scholarships of more than 200,000 USD for those wishing to specialize in business development.
Hala Fadel of MIT noted for her part that her organization is persisting in organizing its context for the best business plan in the Arab world and that for the past eight years. She also noted that 30% of the 4000 annual applicants come from Lebanon adding that Lebanese nominees won the first prize amounting to USD 50,000 three out of six times.
Source: Al-Diyar 17 April 2013
For news related to Bader activities, please review:
Bader and Audi Bank launch the emerging enterprises competition 02-04-2013
Financing is the major challenge to youth entrepreneurship in Lebanon 25-03-2013