CRTD.A organised its fourth consultation meeting on women’s economic rights within the framework of its Regional Economic Empowerment for Women Programme which is funded by CIDA and managed by Oxfam-Quebec. The consultation meeting was attended by 21 participants representing civil society organisations and trade unions and aimed at discussing key issues related to women’s economic rights and how these can be furthered. The meeting emphasized the results reached during the first stage of consultations and which culminated in an agreement over concrete steps for strengthening collaboration between participants leading to action points for follow-up, coordination and exchange of useful information.
Discussions focused on the current provisions of the labor law and its stipulations and impact on women’s economic participation and the importance of awareness raising on the right to work and the right to social security. At the end of the meeting, participants agreed to form a working group of 7 people who will develop an action plan and present it during the follow-up meeting the date of which is to be decided soon.