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Beirut Traders Association kicks off the third round of “Grow my business”

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The Beirut Traders Association held a press conference in its premises yesterday in order to kick off the third round of its “grow my business” competition.  This competition aims at developing the comparative advantage of small and medium businesses improve the professional standards of the trade sector and contribute to the sustainable economic growth of the country.  The initiative focuses on existing businesses which owners seek to develop through creative ideas and plans.
The first round of competition was launched in February 2011 in collaboration with the MIT Enterprise Forum for the Arab world and with the participation of Audi Bank – Audi Saradar group. A year later, the second round was released with an increase to 80 million LBP in the size of prizes to creative ideas presented by young entrepreneurs.
Interested participants may access the participation form through ; A jury composed of key figures from the Beirut Traders associations as well as from MIT Enterprise Forum and Audi Bank who will select the first 25 winners on July 9th 2013.  The selected candidates will then take part in a workshop organised by a number of specialists and experts and which will focus on developing sound business plans.  Following this, the jury will select the best 12 projects.  The finalist will be selected by the end of September and will receive a cash prize of 50 million LBP from Audi Bank.
Source: Al-Nahar 15 May 2013

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