Publisher: Women in Development Europe (WIDE) Author: Benedicte Allaert Type: Report Date: September 1997 Keywords: Trade, union, women, gender Location in CRTDA: The Machreq/Maghreb Gender Linking and Information Project (MACMAG GLIP) Library
Trade is the central issue in development cooperation for the European Union. Increasingly, trade is being use by donor countries as the colution to poverty in the South, on the assumption that poor countries by the correct identification of their most profitable resources and use of their "comparative advantage", can trade tehir way out of poverty and underdevelopment in the competitive economic environment that is the basis of the so-called free market. In practice this is not occurring accross the board; On the contrary many productive sectors, countries and even regions are losing out through trade liberalisation. Unequal gender relations mean that within this process, with a few notable exceptions, women are disadvantaged, and poor women in the south are doubly and trily disadvantaged. the report of Myriam Vander Stichele maps out the institutions of the EU responsible for trade policy. The first part of the report covers questions such as the competnecy of the Eu on trade. It looks at the different institutions and bodies who play a role in the trade policy. It highlights how the EU places obstacles in the way of developing countries who are forced into the free trade game but who do not have the same safety nets and tricks to counter existing imbalances. The secund aprt by Mariama Williams attemps to unravel some of the myths and misconceptions surrounding the ideology of free trade.