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Gender and organizational change, bridging the gap between policy and practice
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Publisher: Royal tropical institute, The netherlands
Author: Mandy Mac Donald,
Ellen Sprenger,
Ireen Dubel.
Type: Book
Date: 1997
Keywords: Gender; Culture; Organization;
Location in CRTDA: The Machreq/Maghreb Gender Linking and Information Project (MACMAG GLIP) Library
The book provides a practical approach to change, richly illustrated with experiences in gender interventions. It explores change processes that are relevant to many if not all organizations, and sketches a vision of an organization that is not only gender-sensitive but more generally people-friendly. In the book a roadmap shows steps along the way; specific chapters focus on organizational culture, the role of the change agent, and the challenge of monitoring and evaluating change. Guidelines for a gender assessment of an organization are included too.
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