The President of the Federation of Lebanese Chamber of Commerce and of the Mount Lebanon Chamber (FCCML), Mohammed Shucair, held a meeting yesterday with the President of the Lebanese Phsyically Handicapped Union (LPHU) and the Regional Arab Bureau of the International Organisation of Disabled People, Sylvana Lakkis accompanied by the coordinator of the economic inclusion coordinator, Doha Ya7hfufi to discuss ways of cooperation for mainstreaming people with special needs into the job market.
Shucair emphasized that he will work with the private sector to encourage institutions to recruit people with special needs through adopting clear criteria and laws so as not to leave this matter to the whims of employers. He also added that he will try and develop an incentive package to encourage such institutions to absorb disabled people, and will support studies which explain the economic and moral benefits of absorbing the capacities of people with disabilities.
Source: Al-Safir, Al-Diyar 28 August 2014