Baalbaq’s Municipality kicked off the restoration works of the old commercial district connecting the streets of Ras-El Ain and the Serail and which witnessed no modifications since 1940. The Municipality has actually begun removing all the excesses on sidewalks and internal roads in preparation for constructing new roofs and ridges. In this respect, Baalbaq mayor, Dr. Hamad Hassan, underlined the significance of such a project in sustaining the City’s historical image and upholding its archaeological heritage. He clarified that the current initiative is funded by the Municipality of Baalbaq so as “to suit the artisans and owners of old-style shops,” revealing that the next phase will include pavements and infrastructure and later, the solar lighting system. It should be noted that this first step towards the implementation of the UNDP-funded plan that aims to renovate the meat market adjacent to the farmers markets. (Al Diyar, September 29, 2015)