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Workshop on rural women in cooperatives and the challenges of marketing


In coordination with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Trade in Saida and the South organized yesterday a training workshop for rural working women, and entitled: ‘You Are Half the Society, Join Us to Expand Your Dreams’. This training activity was held as part of a program in support of those women cooperatives in the South involved in food processing. The workshop tackled a number of topics, notably: methods and significance of marketing rural products, namely: the review of various marketing channels, cost and price analysis; awareness on food safety specifications; ways for enhancing the quality of products, and finally, the causes, sources and types of food pollution. During the workshop, the head of the agriculture department at the Chamber, Rola Kar3uni, underlined the importance of cooperative work in rural development, while her colleague, agriculture engineer, Hania Chahal, gave another lecture on the same topic. In conclusion, Joelle Ajeel, the director of the food testing laboratory in CCIT of Saida & the South, underscored the importance of food testing in order to safeguard public health safety. (As Safir, February 3, 2016)


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