The president of the Hamra Street Traders Association, Zuheir Itani, said on Saturday that the worsening political discord has exacerbated the economic, social and livelihoods crisis affecting all the Lebanese people in all sectors, mainly the industrial and agricultural production sectors, commerce and external tourism. Shopping centers and souks are void of customers and many stores have closed and fired or terminated the contracts of their workers and staff, Itani maintained, pointing out to the unprecedentedly high rate of unemployment in the country. Itani was speaking during his tour to the shops and institutions in Ras Beirut district of Hamra in the rush hours, which he described as deserted, except for those who walk the street unnoticed. The reason for this slump, Itani mentioned, is the unstable political situation, which keeps consumers in check. Meanwhile, the labor ministry continues to follow up cases of arbitrary lay-offs of employees, and has issued to this effect a statement expressing shock over the random and arbitrary firing of Lebanese staff who are being replaced by Syrian workers with no explanation. Most of the cases, the statement went on to say, and which amount to hundreds over the course of a month, are unlawful and unjustified. Below are the names of some of the institutions and companies that laid off some of their workers: Hotel De Ville, Fares Group, Fakhry Food Company, St Terese Hospital, Agha Restaurant, Alban Lubnan, Arcom Musawi, Sanabil of the Time, Talia’at al Shaab School, Larissa corp, Ismail Furniture, Issa Khawaja company, Rajaa Sharafiddine Company, Monzer al Hajj Hospital, Executive Security, Rizk Security and Spartan. Legal notices have been sent to OMT, Alomco and Samir Zaim institution as well. (An Nahar, Al Diyar, Al Akhbar, October 17 and 18, 2016)