Lebanon scored 0.757 in the Human Development Index HDI published by UNDP for2017, ranking 80th among 189 countries and regionally. Points recorded by Lebanon in the HDI for 2005-2017 have jumped from 0.732 to 0.757, at a 3.4% increase. According to the Index, the average life expectancy at birth in Lebanon has risen by 9.6 years between 1990 and 2017, the average years of schooling by 1.2 years and the average expected years of schooling by 0.8 years. Lebanon’s GNI per capita posted a 49.1% increase between 1990 and 2017. To note, the value of the Human Development Index for Lebanon 2017, which is 0.757, is equal to the value scored by the countries in the HDI and higher than the 0.699 rate scored in the Arab countries. Lebanon also scored 0.381 points in the gender inequality index ranking 85 out of 160 countries covered by the 2017 index. Also and according to the report, Lebanese women hold 3.1% of the seats in parliament; 53.0% of adult Lebanese women have completed their high school education compared to 55.4% of their male peers; the maternal mortality ratio reached 15 maternal deaths per 100 live births, and finally, the rate of women’s participation in the labor market in Lebanon stood at 23.2% compared to 71.1% for men. (An Nahar, Al Mustaqbal, September 15, 2018)