After the Parliament approved in August a draft bill combating sexual violence and violence against women (,France fined a man with 300 euros and sentenced him to 3 months in prison for physical abuse against a pedestrian according to the new law criminalizing street harassment. In the details as reported by the BBC, the assailant, apparently drunk, boarded the bus in Ervy, south of Paris, and slapped a 21-year-old woman making vulgar remarks about her looks. This led to a squabble between him and the bus driver who locked the bus doors until the police arrived at the scene. This is the first fine in France in enforcement of the new anti-harassment legislation aimed to slash sexist insults and street harassment, including, catcalling and rude sexual remarks. On the incident, the minister who was behind enacting the law, Marlene Schiappa, praised the decision of the court in a tweet, “We thank the bus driver for his quick reaction and the court for the penalty imposed.” (Al Mustaqbal, September 27, 2018)
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France criminalizes sexual harassment on streets