The Syrian government yesterday referred to the People’s Assembly a bill that abolishes Article 548 of the Penal Code which mitigates rulings and waives punishment related to so-called honor killings. Recalling, that the above article states the following: 1) he who catches his wife, sister or other female family member by surprise, and kills or injures them unintentionally, benefits from an exemption of penalty; 2) he who surprises his wife or any female family member in a suspicious state will benefit from reduced penalties. On the above amendment draft, MP Ahmad Mer’I told Russia Today that the best gift to a woman on her day is a validation that supports her equality with her male peer. This, he stressed, is guaranteed by the Syrian Constitution that views women and men as equal in rights and duties. With this move, Mer’I added, Syria has established reconciliation with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. (Al Diyar, March 9, 2020)