In partnership with UN agencies in Lebanon, the National Commission for Lebanese Women (NCLW), held on Tuesday the first meeting of the National Coordination Committee on Women in Economy in preparation for the formation of a task group that emerges from it, identifies its objectives and adopts its mechanism for action. The meeting, to note, was a follow up on the decisions of the steering committee for the development of the National Action Plan on UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security which the Lebanese government has committed to implement. During the meeting, NCLW president, Claudine Aoun Rukuz, pressed for finding new ways in economic engagement that gives women a greater role, especially amid the economic turmoil hitting the country. Rukuz pointed out that the Commission is monitoring the government’s implementation of the Regional Program for the Mashreq Conference on Women’s Economic Empowerment supported by the World Bank. NCLW, Rukuz added, backs government efforts to develop a rural development strategy, as well as achieve full equality and provide equal opportunities for women and men in the social security law and in all the legislative system apparatus in the country. In turn, the director of the Gender Justice, Population and Sustainable Development Group at ESCWA, Mehrinaz El Awaday, said the formation of the coordination committee of women in economy will ensure that women benefit from the economic outcomes, and it contributes to promoting the political empowerment and participation of women which is at the core of the National Action Plan. (Al Diyar, December 16, 2020)