On the 25th of January 2015, the decision of the judge in North Lebanon to release the husband of victim Rola Yaakoob, also allegedly her killer raised much controversy especially that the decision was made only one day after the parliament endorsed the new law to protect family members from violence. Yesterday, the judge in North Lebanon issued its verdict and accused the husband of killing his wife and issued an arrest warrant accordingly. To be noted that by the end of January 2014, Rola Yaakoob's family has lodged an appeal to the accusatory judicial body in North Lebanon. The appeal was only accepted in July 2014 whereby a decision to undertake a full investigation was taken including hearing the witnesses. Al-Akhbar newspaper noted that the decision of the accusatory judicial body is to be considered as an achievement which is likely to improve the performance of the judicial system in cases related to domestic violence. Credit undoubtedly goes to the mother of the victim, Laila Khoury, who never gave up and pursued her struggle to request justice for her daughter. (Al Akhbar 13 May 2016)