As part of its on-going work on women's economic rights and entitlements, CRTD.A organized a small round table discussion that looked critically at the mainstream indicators of women's economic participation and empowerment with a view to analyze the gendered ideologies that shape and determine these indicators and the implication on defining the rights and entitlement of women and the determination of what constitutes "economic participation".
The round table discussed the following questions:
- How can indicators measure women's economic rights and participation?
- Which ideologies underline classical indicators?
- What is women's work?
This event was organized within the framework of CRTD.A's regional initiative "Sustainable Economic Opportunities for Women - Phase II" which is part of our "Women's Economic Empowerment Programme", WEEP, an initiative that was launched in 2001 and which includes a grassroots component targeting rural women cooperatives and groups, capacity building in leadership, participation, governance and production skills, research on women's economic participation and local and global advocacy and lobbying. Event_Concept_Note.English.pdf
The event took place on 29th March 2012 at the YWCA of Lebanon, Ain Mraisseh.