Publisher: Elsevier Author: Bina Agarwal Type: Report Date: 1994 Keywords: Gender; Property; Location in CRTDA: The Machreq/Maghreb Gender Linking and Information Project (MACMAG GLIP) Library
This monograph focuses on the issue of the links between gender inequities and command over property. It outlines why in rural South Asia, where arable land is the most important form of property, any significant improvement in women's economic and social situation is crucially tied to their having independent land rights. Better employment opportunities can complement but not substitute for land. But despite progressive legislation few South Asian women own land; even fewer effectively control any. Why? A complex range of factors , social, administrative, and ideological, are found to underlie the persistent gap between women's legal rights and their actual ownership and control. The necessity of collective action by women for overcoming these obstacles and the aspects needing a specific focus for policy and action are also discussed.