ABAAD is a non-profit, non-politically affiliated, non-religious civil association that aims to achieve gender equality as an essential condition to sustainable social and economic development in the MENA region. ABAAD seeks to promote women's equality and participation through policy development, legal reform, and gender mainstreaming, engaging men, eliminating discrimination, and advancing and empowering women to participate effectively and fully in their communities. ABAAD also seeks to support and collaborate with civil society organizations that are involved in gender equality programs and advocacy campaigns.
In Lebanon, Safe sheltering services, that can, by providing the abused Lebanese women with refuge, services and support, help her in escape the violence and overcoming, are limited, especially in Beqaa, North & the South.
Given this absence/lack of adequate sheltering services in Lebanon, non-Lebanese GBV victims are even facing greater difficulties. Refugee women, who sometimes ignore totally the Lebanese legal frameworks, cultural context, and geography, face extreme difficulties in their mission to overcome the cycle of violence. In addition to the fact that empowering refugee women survivors of GBV require: responding to their multiplicity of needs; Helping them in accessing information; Meeting their material needs; Providing them with psycho-social support and breaking their social isolation.
Thus, and in compliance with its vision of a world in which men and women live as equitable partners and work together to secure better lives for their future, ABAAD and in partnership with the Danish Refugees Council, UNHCR & UNICEF, ABAAD started in April 2013 a "Middle-Way House" program, as part of a longer-term program, as a model of immediate response/provision of protection to refugee women at risk and those survivors of GBV and women in host communities.
The middle-way house director is expected to support the implementation and management of the mid-way house including strategic operational planning and execution.
Middle-way Transition House is a free, safe, supportive shelter for abused women or for women at risk of violence, both single women and women with their children.