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MEAL (Monitoring, Evaluating, Accountability & Learning) Consultant

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Fri, 01/24/2014 - 10:36
Job key data
Job title: MEAL (Monitoring, Evaluating, Accountability & Learning) Consultant
Organisation: Oxfam GB
Job type: United Nations & other international organizations
Location: Beirut - Lebanon
Working area: Beirut & Bekaa - Lebanon
Job sector: Aid and Development
Deadline: February 12, 2014
Job specifications

Oxfam GB is recruiting for a MEAL (Monitoring, Evaluating, Accountability & Learning) consultant for its Voice Project.

Voice is an innovative 2-year project funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and the Norwegian Embassy, which aims to empower people affected by the Syria crisis in Jordan and Lebanon, by upholding their rights, ensuring their real concerns reach decision makers, and encouraging decision makers to be more responsive to these needs.
Oxfam, in partnership with project partners ARDD-Legal Aid and ABAAD, are seeking a consultant to support by being an active part of the team and providing participatory, flexible and dynamic MEAL advice.

The specific objectives of the consultancy are to:
Provide MEAL support and advice to the project team during its period of experimentation.
Define the methodology to be rolled out through developing, testing and refining relevant tools on a small scale (this will include testing and refining the specific MEAL tools proposed by the project, including the participation and transparency tool).
Provide recommendations for later baseline and MEAL strategy development and roll out in all implementing areas.
Build the capacity of implementing partners through supported on-the-job learning, so that the team has strong ownership and understanding of relevant MEAL.

Contract terms:

Please check the attachment for details and submit your EOI and supporting documentation (as mentioned in the attachment) by the 12th of February 2014 to quoting the project name ‘Voice’ in the subject line of your email (NB applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and appointment may be made before the deadline).

Mariam Balhas | Project Officer | Syrian Voice & Accountability Programme
Oxfam Great Britain | Beirut, Lebanon | Tel: +961 1 74 49 25/6 | Mobile: +961 70 629 639

Original Ad: VoiceMEALConsultancyToR220114.pdf

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