The school award for ‘innovating best fictional character for youth rural tourism’ in Lebanon (mascotte) was distributed yesterday at the Ministry of Education theater in Beirut. The award, which was jointly launched by the ministers of tourism and education is aimed at strengthening a culture of tourism among the young generation through engaging them in the invention of a visual identity of rural areas in their country. The character, mascotte, should resemble the youth and reflect their hopes and expectations. It plays the role of a touristic guide for the young Lebanese who are keen to explore their rich countryside, its traditions, heritage and generous resources. The winning students are in respective order: in the first place, Pia Saad from Jamhoor School, second place, Jana Abu Hassan from Lycee National-Shwayfat and in the third place, Fayrooz Sabuneh from the school of Rawdat Al Fayhaa- Tripoli in the north. (An Nahar, April 20, 2016)