After the exclusion of Palestinian women from the ministry of health led National Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign 2018, (, Saida was the scene last week for two activities as part of the campaign ‘You are the whole story’, in support of breast cancer patients. The campaign to recall is organized by Hammud Hospital University Medical Center throughout October and November to help patients face challenges in their battle against the disease. The first activity was a marathon in the streets of Saida festooned with floral balloons under the motto, ‘We stand next to you so you can claim your right’ demanding the ministry and insurance companies to cover breast reconstruction after treatment. The second activity ‘Make the cut’ is a hair donation event to provide wigs for patients who cannot afford it. Similarly, the flower retailer, Exotica, launched on Friday a special workshop in the Nakkash area east of Beirut where it gathered a group of ladies, including cancer survivors, social figures and influencers. The event aimed to give them the opportunity to relax and design their own UnReal Bouquet under the supervision of Exotica professionals who guided them through the whole process. To note, that part of the proceeds will go to the Lebanese Breast Cancer Foundation. (Al Akhbar November 1, 6, 2018)