Caritas Liban inaugurated yesterday the project entitled “Agricultural Service Centre” in Deir Mar Sarkis and Bakhos in Reyfun, Kesrwan. The project is implemented in collaboration with the project to develop the productive sectors in Lebanon (LIVCD) which is financially supported by USAID. Engineer Wajdi Khater stated in his intervention during the launch that LICVD seeks to improve economic stability in Lebanon, provide opportunities for small companies to increase their benefits and create job opportunities for residents in rural areas notably women and youth.
The director of the Agriculture Service Centre, Elie Khayat, presented the main activities and services offered by the Centre notably: a) Specialized training workshop; 2) regular field visits for extension and follow-up; c) technical assistance in grafting, weeding, lab tests, etc… d) linking farmers with suppliers of agricultural inputs and owners of sorting, packaging workshop, cooling units, traders, exporters and others. The opening event was followed by a workshop for farmers on good agricultural practices and managing apple and cheery plantations under the supervision of Engineer Ghassan Feghali.
Source: Al-Diyar 4 June 2014