Despite the uproar against the latest naturalization decree, NCLW president and special advisor to the president, Claudine Aoun Roukoz, failed to articulate any criticism vis a vis this contentious decision which in fact has dealt a severe blow to women’s right to confer nationality, a matter that Auoun promised to address when she became president of NCLW. On the other hand, Aoun, was very much concerned key role women play in ensuring a healthy environmental life and in addressing the hazards of pollution through raising awareness in society. She pointed out that women’s participation in social, political and economic decisions that directly affect environment has become a necessity for a better and more just society. Rukuz was speaking during a ceremony held by UNIFIL at its Naqoura headquarters in South Lebanon to mark the World Environment Day 2018 under the theme, ‘Beat plastic pollution’. She outlined several environmental projects completed by NCLW like for example, a clean and healthy drinking water for women prisons in Lebanon project and supporting active environmental agencies and groups through sponsoring afforestation campaigns organized by NCLW in different parts of Lebanon. (Al Mustaqbal, June 6, 2018)