In cooperation with Lebanon Reforestation Initiative, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) launched yesterday the Agricultural Cooperative Association of Forest Tree Producers of Lebanon under the sponsorship of minister Akram Shehayeb and presence of a group of concerned figures. During the launch event, the president of the above association, Maroon Aziz, underlined the importance of the undertaking which mobilizes nine well-known nurseries from different regions across Lebanon. The association, funded by USAID and implemented by the United States Forest Service, serves to improve the quality of native forest seedlings with the help of competent international institutions, Aziz maintained. He lauded efforts exerted by the Association to contribute to the sustainability of the sprouts after their planting in the planned locations and to lowering the cost of production of seedlings and reforestation works. He stressed that cooperation among the involved nurseries has resulted in the production of more than 40 tons of native trees and over 500 thousand different forest plants every year. For his part, Shehayeb pointed out that the Association is considered a key partner of his ministry in restoring a reasonable rate of greenery to Lebanon, and therefore, a basic partner in the 40 million tree project. (Al Mustaqbal, Al Diyar, July 28, 2016)