In an article in An Nahar newspaper today, Rula Mneimneh shed light on the family register (ikhraj Qaid) of divorced Lebanese women. Every Lebanese family, Mneimneh explained, keeps a register number that records the birth of each family member in relevance to his/her father, noting that the family register is a document that contains the names of family members, starting from the father to the wife and then children. In the event of marriage of the son, the latter is removed from his father’s register but retains the family register number which allows him to establish a new family register with his new family. Nonetheless, when a woman marries, she is removed from her father’s register and automatically added to her husband’s family register, Mneimneh said, wondering what will happen in the case of separation/divorce. Is it permissible for the divorced wife to have a family register with her own children, she asked, maintaining that the Lebanese woman is her own entity and keeps a register of her family at the official registry. In conclusion, Mneimneh hoped that concerned authorities and lawyers advocates of women’s rights, as well as associations campaigning for the right of women to confer nationality to their family members give this topic their attention. Such a document, Mneimneh said, could be a step forward in strengthening the status of women in the Lebanese Registry. (An Nahar, August 27, 2018)