The Minister of Tourism, Michel Pharaon, headed the meeting of the National Council to Promote Rural Tourism in Lebanon which was held the day before yesterday. The Minister noted that rural tourism is a wide and subject which includes rural, religious and agricultural tourism as well as others. He added that the newly developed rural tourism strategy is based on improving marketing, promoting consumers' awareness through highlighting pathways of rural tourism as well as its local and international products and services, as well as protecting environmental, cultural, historical and agricultural heritage of rural areas. During the meeting, Pharaon announced that a workshop will be held in the Serail in early Februaryt to launch the first practical steps of the strategy. Pharaon clarified that the development of the strategy was accompanied by serious preparation work in many of the targeted areas. Jezzine, Shouf, Mid Bekaa, Batroun and Byblos all expressed immediate interest in the endeavor while further meetings will be held later in other areas after they complete their proposal. Pharaon further added that eco tourism and religious tourism will be moving in tandem this year in terms of emphasis and marketing. He indicated that during the period of five years, rural tourism will be developed so as to represent 15 to 20% of tourism in Lebanon compared to only 5% today.
(Source: Al-Diyar & Annahar 14 January,2015)