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Lebanon campaigns for equal pay for women and men

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The minister of state for women’s affairs in the caretaker government, Jean Ogassapian, launched yesterday the so-called national campaign for equal pay called upon by the minister’s office and the Business and Professional Women Lebanon association. The campaign aims to raise women’s awareness about their rights in equal pay for equal work and similar aptitudes and qualifications like their male peers, said the president of BPW Lebanon, Carmen Zgheib. The benefits of equal pay are not exclusive to women though, Zgheib added, noting that this will increase the productivity and competitiveness and create a positive work environment. Lebanon, she said, needs a campaign for equal pay to eliminate discrimination in this area, stressing that the responsibility to reduce the gender gap in salaries rests on the Lebanese State, trade unions and companies. The one-month campaign seeks to lift injustice against women, she maintained. Ogassapian, for his part, expressed his relief saying discrimination in salaries in the public sector does not exist, but is required in the private sector through the application of certain rules. (Al Akhbar, September 19, 2018)

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