The Al Akhbar newspaper published a report on the challenges faced by migrant women domestic workers in the absence of a fair law that regulates their employment. Their current legal situation is subject to a tri-partite contract between the employer, the employment office and the migrant workers whilst article 7 of the Lebanese labor law (dated 23/9/1946) specifically excludes domestic workers. As a result, a number of migrant women workers began seeking ways to earn their livelihoods outside the usual household boundaries where they often face various forms of coercion and abuse. Free lancing appears to be a preferred option for many migrant workers as it gives them more freedom and agency.
The paradox however is that this choice remains illegal and migrant women workers caught free-lancing are often arrested and deported according to the current regulations. A number of employment agencies have suggested to the Al Akhbar reporters that a new law be put in place providing migrant women workers with the choice of either working for one household or free-lancing.
Source: Al-Akhbar