The “Something is wrong with the sponsorship system campaign” organised a march yesterday with hundred of women and men migrant workers as well as civil activists to express their refusal of the current sponsorship system. The demonstration started off at Ain el Mreisseh and included a number of cultural activities and ethnic dances. Marchers called for equality amongst migrant and local workers and for guaranteeing human and workers’ rights, while carrying a number of slogans such as “raise your voice against the sponsorship and slavery system”, “the sponsorship system is a disease”, and “domestic workers do not die by coincidence”. This activity was implemented in collaboration with Kafa violence and exploitation, Anti-racism Movement, Insaan association, Caritas Lebanon migrant centre, and Amel association and with the participation of the National Federation of Trade Unions of Workers and Employees in Lebanon. The event was supported and funded by the Danish Refugee Council, the ILO, the European Union, and the Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation.