The General Director of the Ministry of Agriculture, Louis La7hud, undertook a reconnaissance visit to the Masnaa border post last week. During his visit, La7hud noted that the priorities of the Ministry is to ensure the quality of exported products and to work towards improving the quality of local agricultural production namely in terms of adherence to the standards and criteria of the World Health Organisation. He added that any exported product is subjected to lab tests, most of which are free of charge, and are undertaken at the laboratories of the Ministry or those affiliated to the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institutes. This procedure, he added, is non negotiable. Finally, La7hud also reiterated the importance of food safety as this has a positive impact on exports and is likely t open new markets for local health agricultural products. He concluded by giving strict instructions for strengthening the import and export of agricultural products so as to ensure the safety of consumers in Lebanon.
Source: Al-Safir 28 April 2014