The Ministry of Social Affairs organized last week in Baabdat a handicraft exhibition entitled “our heritage”. The event was implemented within the framework of the project entitled “encouraging and developing crafts and handmade products”. The director of the MOSA development services in Baabdat, May Shamaa, noted that this event is the culmination of concerted efforts between the project and the MOSA centres in Baabdat and Salima and as part of the MOSA social endeavor to support and develop the handicraft sector given its economic, cultural and heritage importance. The MOSA representative, Suhad Maati, noted that the project aiming to encourage and develop handmade products also seeks to raise the visibility of Lebanese heritage and traditional crafts and that is through the implementation of a number of training workshops in contemporary soap making.
Source: Al-Nahar, Al-Mustaqbal 8 September 2014