published a new report entitled “Main jobs for women in the Middle East: Expectations and Realities”. The report was issued in collaboration with "YouGov" global market research and “Education for Employment Foundation” and follows on the statement made by Organisation for Economic Co-operation, which reiterated that only 1 in 3 women in the Middle East are gainfully employed. The report highlights the main concerns of MENA women wishing to enter the job market and the realities they face. According to the report, 44% of young women seeking full-time employment in the Middle East expect to encounter more difficulties than men. The report further highlights the role of personal relations in obtaining jobs as 32% of the women employees in the Middle East noted that the fact that they had inside connections facilitated their access to their first jobs. Also according to the study, 80% of young women, and 70% of employers support policies that stimulate women’s employment. Employers added that women contribute to the growth and development of their companies through leadership and loyalty (18%), increasing productivity (11%). (For full report: (As Safir, Al Moudtakbal, and Al Hayat, 27/11/2015)