In collaboration with the Muicipality of Qubiyat and the Union of Municipalities of Jurd Kaita’ and Juma, and under the patronage of the minister of state for administrative reform (OMSAR), Inaya Ezzedine, the Safadi Foundation concludes today the “Women Active in Rural Economic Development- WARED” program. The event takes place at the premises of the Safadi Foundation for Agricultural Development- Deir Dalum, Akkar. The program, which is part of Afkar 3 program funded by the EU and managed by OMSAR, was launched on December 1, 2016. Its aim is to promote the role of women as catalysts for achieving a balanced and sustainable economic development in Akkar, build their capacities to use modern technology in the manufacture of traditional agro-food products, and diversify and expand the sources of income in the aromatic plant production. (Al Akhbar, November 13, 2018)