Thuraya Hamdan and Therese Keyrouz have won the Femme Franchophone Entrepreneure Finale 2017 organized by the Francophone University Agency (AUF) and Berytech incubator in partnership with L’Orient Le Jour and Le Commerce du Levant magazine. Hamdan won for her Labne & Facts project which is an information platform allowing the collection, production and publishing of data content through professional journalists. Keyrouz won for her Yalla Bus mobile application developed to optimize bus and transportation services in Lebanon. Five candidates have run for the competition which was held on Wednesday at the Innovation and Sport Campus at Saint Joseph University (USJ). The 20 thousand Euro prize will go directly to Berytech to cover the costs of merging the two winning projects into the startup system and ensure their follow-up. The competition to recall was jointly launched by AUF and Berytech in 2011 with the objective to support female entrepreneurs. (An Nahar, September 29, 2017)