Despite the current bleak reality in Lebanon and the Arab World, yet several events have taken place to celebrate the International Women’s Day on March 8 particularly the following : 1) a conference entitled “Voices of Arab Women” which was held at the ESCWA House, downtown Beirut, 2) a symposium on the situation of women in Lebanon at the House of the Lawyer, 3) the release of a communiqué following a meeting for the National Commission for Lebanese Women, 4) a conference on women and peace organised at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, 5) and finally a conference entitled “Women on the Frontlines” organized in Beirut by May Chidiac Foundation. The symposium organized at the Order of Attorneys stressed the fact that despite arduous struggles, there were little improvements in the status of women in Lebanon, also highlighting the negative impact of a divided civil society on women. For its part, the National Commission for Lebanese Women appealed to all civil organizations and authorities concerned to unify efforts to promote the rights of women and to implement laws that protect women against abuse, marginalization and violence. The Commission reiterated its demands for gender equality and for women rights, particularly in the area of electoral law and the right to nationality. The plethora of events also included a conference entitled “women and peace” organized by the School of Law at Kaslik University. Participants agreed on the active role of women in society, particularly in the process of building peace and education, and denounced the discriminative treatment and abuse they are subjected to. They underlined the need to engage women in decision making and in political life, as well as empowering them economically, educationally, physically and morally. School of Law Dean, Father Talal Hashem underscored the significance of UN Security Council Law No 1325 and the need to ensure a greater representation of women in conflict prevention and resolution and in peace building. Also observing International Women’s Day, the May Chidiac Foundation held a conference entitled “Women on the Frontlines”, in which US Ambassador David Hale highlighted the importance of gender equality in American foreign policy, and his government’s investment in women and girls around the globe. Finally, Lama Tammam Salam, who sponsored the event, focused on the issue of protection from domestic violence and granting women married to non-Lebanese the right to pass on the Lebanese nationality to their children. (As Safir, An Nahar, Al Mustaqbal, Al Diyar, 5 March 2015)