The Lebanese League for Women’s Rights (LLWR) honored last week, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Hanna Wakim Cultural Foundation, the students who won its annual cultural competition which was dedicated this year to “protecting women from violence: the responsibility of the state and of society”. The event was held at the UNESCO Palace, Antoine Harb Hall. Winners of this year’s competition include: Alaa Ahmad Moussaoui (first), Farah Nasser al-Zein (second), Maryam Ibrahim Quossan (Second), Sergio Jean Harb (third), Liwa2 Wissam Azzam (fourth), Sleiman Joseph Iskandar (fourth), Maritta Kamal Akl (fourth), Hisham Hasan Jaffal (fifth), Maroun Charbel Ramya (sixth), and Najib Khalid Abou Ismail (sixth).
Source: Al-Safir 6 May 2014