Kafa Violence and Exploitation issued a statement yesterday in which it deplores the President's endorsement of the law to protect women from family violence and which was endorsed by Parliament on April 1st.
The statement notes that the Coalition called on the President not to sign this law as it does not provide effective protection of women from violence. The President nevertheless signed the law despite his promise to discuss the presented comments and criticisms. According to Kafa, this is a sign that no due consideration is given to the plight of women and their daily ordeal which often lead to murder. According to Kafa priority was given to giving a false image to the local and international community by pretending that this was a major achievement through the passing of a mutilated law.
To be reminded that the Director of Kafa, Zoya Ru7hana, had sent a letter to the President detailing the non-constitutionality of the law and its violation of the autonomy of the state. She added that the present law defeats its purpose which was essentially to protect women from violence. In her letter, Ru7hana also spoke of Lebanon's violation of its international commitments. Ru7hana had also invited the President to correct the mistakes and gaps which were brought into the law.
Source: Al-Safir, http://www.almustaqbal.com/v4/Article.aspx?Type=NP&ArticleID=616163">Al-Mustaqbal 8 May 2014