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Let us write stories which challenge gender stereotypes

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From May 1, 2015 to May 31, 2015     'Kam Kalima' Website

Subtle gender discriminatory messages in school textbooks are the main obstacles to gender equality in education. Gender education in this case is based on common stereotypes of images of role distribution amongst women/girls and men/boys. Girls are often poorly represented thus affecting the ways in which boys and girls perceive themselves as well as their current and future abilities. Boys and men's role are portrayed to be noble and manly as presidents, kings, doctors, writers, scientists and world leaders tend to be mostly men whilst women are portrayed as housewives, nurses or teachers. Books also rarely show women in a problem solving situation within the household as important matters are left to fathers when they return home. In order to challenge this situation and in order to create schools and educational curricula free from gender stereotypes, join us in writing alternative stories throughout the month of May on ‘KamKalima’ website:

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