The minister of industry, Dr. Hussein Haj Hassan, reiterated the need to revise the signed trade agreements with the European Union and the inter-Arab Agreement for the Facilitation and Promotion of Trade in order to help Lebanon boost its exports from USD 3 billion to USD 5 billion primarily destined to EU, China, Turkey and US markets and from USD 300 million to USD one billion to the EU alone. Haj Hassan, speaking to Al Diyar newspaper on August 8, mentioned an imbalance in trade relations during the past 14 years, which is clearly seen in the rise of EU exports to Lebanon from USD 2 billion to USD 8.5 billion against a slight increase of Lebanese exports to the EU to USD 300 million. The minister attributed this to unfair conditions stipulated in relevant international trade agreements. Indeed, and according to said arrangements, customs tariffs between member countries are lifted completely, contrary to what is the case with Lebanon, where customs were only reduced and all forms of protection annihilated. When Lebanon entered the EU or its corresponding Arab agreements, “we expected to get access to some 500 million European and some 300 million Arab consumers,” Haj Hassan clarified, adding, “exports have barely reached USD 3 billion, why?” On the other hand, the Lebanese minister categorically denied the existence of any political disagreement with the EU, “but as you know, a friend in need, is a friend indeed, why don’t they show up.” When asked about the fierce competition to domestic industries from the Syrian neighbor, Haj Hassan played down the argument which lays the blame for the present economic crisis on completion form Syria. “The total size of Syrian goods entering Lebanon does not exceed USD 200 to 300 million, while the majority of our imports come from EU states (nearly USD 8.5 billion), China (USD 3.5 billion), Turkey (USD one billion) and the US (USD one billion).” The minister finally disclosed that preparations are underway to kick off serious talks with the EU on this matter, as he puts it. (Al Diyar, August 8, 2016)