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Fatimah Rashed Sahmarani, Moukhtara of Tyre; a shining case of a pioneering public woman

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Women's profile

Fatmeh Rashed Sahmarani has been working as the Moukhtara for the Husseynyeh neighbourhood in Tyre since 1996. Fatmeh is a mother of five and began learning the trade through her father who was the Moukhtar before her since 1982.  She took office in 1996 following a decree issued on 2/12/1996 by the former Minister of Interior and Municipalities, Michel el Murr.  This appointment was in response to a petition signed by the resident of the neighbourhood demanding the the Minister appoints her for the post which was vacant then.
Sahmarani then ran for the municipal elections in 1998 and won with 1640 votes.  She scored the highest number of votes in the whole caza of Tyre and then ran again for the same post in 2004.
In 1997 she assumed additional responsibilities as her mandate was expanded to include the Manarah neighborhood as well as Deir Kanoun and Ras el Ayn.  She also covered once for the Moukhtar if Al Jameh neighbourhood when the original Moukhtar was on travel.

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