On the occasion of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, the PSP Women Affairs Unit, in collaboration with Tha’era Network for Arab Women, announced yesterday the launch of a project addressing political violence against women inside and outside parties calling for an end to it. According to the organization, this is achieved through the implementation of laws that observe and ensure justice and civil citizenship, hence guaranteeing equal opportunities for women and men. The initiative, to be officially kicked off on the 6th of January, targets a group of women who will be invited for a round table to discuss forms of gender-based violence, notably political violence. It will also put forward a questionnaire to study the reality of women inside the PSP and prospects at hand to take up leadership positions, in addition to the challenges and future steps to overcome them. In a related development, the Lebanese Council to Resist Violence Against Women (LECORVAW), announced the completion of work aimed to provide specialized services for women and girl survivors of domestic and sexual violence in all its forms, specifically rape. It stressed that it will continue to press for the adoption of legal amendments of articles related to this chapter in the Lebanese Penal Code which LECORVAW has called for. The Council also demanded stepping up the formation of a government comprised of non-partisan technocrats. This government will reportedly work for early parliamentary elections that will ensure the creation of a legislature that guarantees justice in laws and repeals discriminatory bills, including the introduction of a civil personal status law. (NNA, November 27, 2019)