NCLW president, Claudine Aoun Rukuz, stressed in an article published today in An Nahar, that the subject of domestic violence has always been a priority for the Commission and for her, personally, as part of her advocacy for human rights, specifically women's rights. Choosing the headline, “Why we persist on proposed amendments to the Law on Protection of Women and Family Members from Domestic Violence,” Aoun said that NCLW’s efforts to protect women and children shall remain the core of struggle to achieve gender equality in the country. With the rise in domestic violence incidence during the coronavirus lockdown, the need arises, now more than anytime, to improve the said law, Aoun wrote, thus adding it to the July 22 meeting of the joint parliamentary committees. Aoun said she entrusts members of the legislature with improving the domestic violence law, urging them to place the provision of protection for the victims of domestic violence abuse, women and children, among their main concerns. In these dire times, Aoun concluded, our representatives should bear witness to the suffering of victims of domestic violence. (The article can be found on the following link: (An Nahar, July 22, 2020)