An Nahar newspaper published a report by May Abboud Abi Akl on what she considered to be the "forgotten aspect related to the issue of migrant women domestic workers", namely the "violated rights of Lebanese citizens”. In her long tirade, the author talked about the "predicament" of Lebanese citizens who have to pay the "cost of bringing in migrant workers and pay their salaries as well as the cost of their food and clothing". The author also complained about the hardship that Lebanese citizens face when they have to complete the official procedures for the migrant women domestic workers. The author did not hesitate to make some blanket generalisations and to refer to associations catering for the rights of migrant women workers as "a mafia" seeking only to raise money internally and externally. The author even accused some NGOs of stalking migrant workers to get their stories.
A very unfortunate article that clearly reflected the biased views of the author who seemingly did not bother with facts and figures or with investigative reporting. It is however regrettable that a serious newspaper such as An Nahar would publish this kind of writing.
Source: Al-Nahar 9 October 2014