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Kafa intensifies its actions with the increased public attention to domestic violence


With the seemingly increase in domestic violence crimes in Lebanon, An Nahar newspaper published a report on the reactions of civil society and women organizations.  Activist Linda Matar told the newspaper that throughout her journey, she has never witnessed that sharp level of domestic violence in Lebanon and which is leading to the death of several women.  According to Matar, the absence of a law protecting women coupled with a patriarchal system have both contributed to the victimization of women.  Matar adds that laws actually protect men and not women although the latter are citizens who work hard to secure the livelihood and education of their children.  The director of Kafa, Zoya Ruhana, noted that there is no statistical rise in the number of domestic violence incidents.  What is different is the fact that the media is playing a more important role in highlighting these crimes.  In the past, families of the victims were part of a conspiracy of silence leading to considering these crimes as accidents.  Families are now more aware of domestic violence as a crime.  Ruhana added that Kafa is currently preparing for a public action on March 8th consisting of a march from the Museum to the Ministry of Justice so as to raise awareness on this issue and on the need to enact the law.  She added that invitations have already been disseminated on social media and asked for the collaboration of all in this action.
On the other hand, the press offices of MPs Strida GeaGea and Elie Keyrouz issued a statement condemning the murder of Krystel Abi Chacra who suffered from domestic violence for many years and as the judiciary to perform an in depth investigation to uncover this crime.  Both reaffirmed their support to the domestic violence protection legislative bill under consideration.
Source: Al-Nahar 19 February 2014

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