The hopes of greater profits by beet growers in Akkar who replaced potato and wheat with beet were frustrated. Absence of government control policies has prevented farmers from selling their produce which is relatively low-cost and easy to grow. Moreover, farmers of Akkar complained once more against the current sluggish markets resulting form fierce foreign competition, namely from Syrian imports. The current situation has forced farmers to cut their prices to as low as LBP 500 per one kilo in order to get ride of their production. One farmer, Abdel Rahman Darwish lamenting the situation, said: “The production cost in Lebanon is relatively high compared to other countries because the Lebanese farmer has to work single-handedly at all levels, having to face alone forces of nature and speculation. Whereas, his peer in neighboring countries, is able to compete in Lebanon’s domestic market because of his government’s support.” (As Safir, 4 April 2015)